Beyond the Plan: Mastering the Shaolin Principle of Opportunity
Shaolin movies have always blown me away! The monks' focus, determination – it's truly inspiring. So, imagine my excitement when I stumbled upon "Shaolin: How to Win Without Fighting" at the airport! I had to grab it. And let me tell you, this book didn't disappoint. Those Shaolin principles – they're powerful!
One story in particular stuck with me. It's a short one but perfectly explains the principle of opportunity.
'Shaolin: How to Win Without Fighting' book contains a story that perfectly illustrates the principle of opportunity.
The cat and the rat:
In Shaolin, a story is told about a farmer who could not get rid of a rat that had got into his house. So he bought a mangnficent, strong and brave cat. But in vain. The rat was too quick and outsmarted the cat.
The farmer then got another cat. This one was extremely clever and cunning. But the rat was careful and appeared only when the cat was asleep.
A monk from a nearby temple then loaned him his cat. There was nothin special about this cat. It slept the whole day. The farmer shrugged his shoulders, but the monk insisted on leaving the cat with him.
The cat spent all its time sleeping and was indifferent to what was happening around it. Soon, the rat got bolder.It even scurried about in front of the cat, who showed no interest.
Until one day, suddenly, the cat pounced and killed the rat with a single blow.
This story tells us two things : that is important to wait for the right moment, and that is equally important to be ready to act when the moment arrives.
Lessons from this Small Story:
* Patience: The most successful cat wasn't the strongest or the fastest, but the one that waited for the perfect moment to strike. This teaches us the importance of waiting for the right opportunity before taking action.
The Principle of Opportunity:
Don't just set a goal, be open to how you reach it. This means being:
* Flexible: Adapt your plans as situations change. Be ready to see and seize opportunities when they arise.
* Patient: Wait for the right moment to act. Rushing in can make you miss your chance.
* Prepared: Think ahead about potential opportunities and have a flexible plan in mind. This way, you'll be ready to act when the time is right.
Basically, be like the cat who waited for the perfect moment to pounce, not the one who napped all day!
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