Unveiling the Power of Asking: Lessons from Hindu Epics

Last week, during a scene in the movie Bezos, the character's statement 'Because you never asked for it' resonated deeply with me. I explored references in Hindu epics and examined my own personal and professional experiences.

As a child, I rarely voiced my desires. Partly wanting to be good, mostly finding my mom surpassing my wishes, I felt either delighted or slightly off, yearning for something unknown.

This pattern of silence continued in many areas of my adult life. Whether choosing a restaurant or expressing food preferences, I often hold back my opinions and simply say “I am fine with anything”, though I am not actually.  This silence stems from two main desires: one, to be perceived as a "good girl" who avoids being demanding, and two, to prioritize the comfort and enjoyment of others. I cared more about fitting in and being easygoing than I did about speaking my mind or saying what I wanted.

My professional life isn't immune to this pattern either. Sometimes, a shyness (or ego or pride) to ask for what I wanted held me back. I relied on opportunities to magically appear after hard work (they do exist sometimes), or succumbed to fear of hearing 'No' and my own unclear desires.

While I was looking for references from Hindu Epics, many powerful moments flooded my mind including Druapadi's desperate plea  to Krishna amidst Kuru Sabha's scene, Markandeya’s plea for life before Shiva, Dhruva’s desire to sit in his Father’s lap, Sati Savitri’s spirit defying death itself, Gajendra's desperate cry for Vishnu's celestial hand are few. Even God's needed help in may situations.

A Call for Help that Moved Mountains: Draupadi's Cry

When Draupadi is disrobed in the Kuru Sabha, she cries out to Krishna for help, essentially asking him to intervene and protect her honor. This showcases the power of a direct plea and the importance of seeking assistance when needed.

During Dice game, Why Krishna helped Draupadi but not Yudhistir (Dharmaraja) ?

In Uddhava Gita, Krishna doesn't explicitly say he intentionally did not help Yudhisthira during the dice game but emphasizes personal responsibility, Karma lessons, and the importance of inner strength rather than focusing just on divine intervention. Though the answer to this question is complex, but what if Yudhistir asked for help ? May be Krisha would have helped. 


Unleashing the Power of Your Voice: Markandeya's Guide to Claiming Your Desires:

The story of Markandeya and Shiva is a powerful illustration of the importance of expressing your desires and seeking help. Despite being born with a short lifespan, Markandeya didn't resign himself to fate. He devoted himself to Shiva through intense devotion and meditation. As Yama, the god of death, approached on his fateful sixteenth birthday, Markandeya clung to Shiva's lingam, pleading for life. Witnessing his unwavering devotion, Shiva emerged, fierce and radiant, and stopped Yama's noose, granting Markandeya a life beyond the bounds of time.

This can motivate individuals to actively pursue their goals with faith and dedication. However, it's important to understand that Shiva didn't simply override Yama's role as the Lord of Death. Markandeya's devotion and righteous path played a critical role in influencing the destiny woven by karma.

The Markandeya-Shiva story serves as a timeless reminder that voicing our desires, coupled with dedication and positive action, can open doors and reshape our destinies. This applies not just to seeking divine intervention but also navigating personal and professional challenges.

Actively communicating our needs, concerns, and aspirations empowers us to build meaningful relationships, advocate for ourselves, and create a fulfilling life. Remember, the message of Markandeya's story resonates beyond the realm of ancient epics. It encourages us to embrace the power of our voice, actively pursue our goals, and trust in the potential for positive transformation through unwavering faith and dedicated action.

The Power of Seeking Help: A Journey with Gajendra Moksha


Gajendra Moksha, a captivating tale from the Hindu epic Srimad Bhagavatam, beautifully illustrates the profound power of seeking help when needed. The epic story reminds us that Even the strongest beings, like Gajendra, the king of elephants, can face challenges beyond their own capabilities.

Gajendra was a powerful elephant who was the king of all elephants. He was known for his strength, wisdom, and devotion to Vishnu. One day, while enjoying a tranquil bath, he was caught by a ferocious crocodile named Makara. The crocodile caught Gajendra in its jaws and dragged him underwater. Gajendra struggled to free himself, but the crocodile was too strong. Realizing the gravity of the situation and his own limitations, Gajendra acknowledged the need for external support and turned to divine (Lord Vishnu).  He prayed for hours, begging Lord Vishnu to save him.
Vishnu heard Gajendra's prayers and appeared, killed Crocodile with his Sudarshana Chakra and rescued Gajendra. Vishnu blessed Gajendra and granted him moksham, or liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

Gajendra's tale is more than just a mythical adventure. It holds profound lessons that resonate with our own lives. This serves as a reminder that reaching out for help is not a sign of weakness but display of strength and awareness. This story encourages us to recognize our limitations by not falling for illusion of self-sufficiency and reaching out asking without hesitation . It allows us to tap into external resources, build meaningful connections, and navigate life's complexities with greater resilience and hope.

Remember, even the most powerful heroes and deities in Hindu epics had to ask for what they needed. So, don't be afraid to raise your voice and express your desires without fear of rejection. The journey of pursuing your goals is often paved by the courage to ask. 


No one can read our minds. 

Often, those around us are kind and well-meaning, but they can't know what's inside our heads unless we speak up. So don't hesitate to raise your voice!     

  • Order that delicious dish you've been craving, even when you're with a group. Nobody's judging your taste buds!
  • Need help navigating to the meeting room? Don't hesitate to ask! Sometimes, wandering around trying to decipher directions takes longer than simply asking for guidance.
  • Seeking your colleague's feedback on your document ahead of the official review can be incredibly helpful. It opens doors for collaboration and strengthens your work before the big meeting

Remember, raising your voice and asking for help isn't a weakness, it's a strength. It builds connections, fosters collaboration, and ultimately leads to a more fulfilling life.

Do not fear rejection.

Fear of rejection is a natural human response. but it can hold us back from seeking the help we need.
When making your request, clearly state what you need and why you need help this avoids confusions and don’t take the rejection personally. If we hear ‘No’ learn from experience.

Rejection, while not always pleasant, shouldn't be taken personally. "No" often doesn't reflect on your competence or worth. It could be due to circumstances beyond your control, like limited opportunities or skill gaps that need addressing. Use rejections as learning opportunities to refine your approach and grow stronger.

Here are some examples of applying this advice in different situations:

  • Wanting to try a different role at work? Have a clear explanation for why this interests you and how it aligns with your career goals. Remember, "no" may not be due to your lack of skills, but rather a lack of current opportunities or a need for additional training.
  • Parents saying no to their child's request for a treat? It's not about discouraging expression, but about setting healthy boundaries and prioritizing their child's well-being. Explain the reason for the denial in a loving and age-appropriate way.

By approaching rejections with understanding and using them as opportunities for growth, you can overcome the fear of hearing "no" and unlock a world of possibilities.
Remember, asking for help and embracing the potential for rejection are crucial steps in achieving your goals and living a fulfilling life.


How to ask for help effectively ? 

Asking for a Favor: The Threey Keys  : https://hbr.org/2011/01/asking-for-a-favor-the

Steve Jobs wisdom: 



  1. Wow, what a well written article Maha Lakshmi !Soul searching and motivating at the same time.


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